Compassion, Courage, Justice

Jesus said, "Go and do the same."



At Monkton School, we believe that singing and music are an essential part of the curriculum.

Our lively curriculum engages, inspires and challenges pupils, encouraging them to feel confident as both listeners and music makers.

Strong cross-curricular links, allow music to be interwoven into the school week, supporting learning, providing a calm environment and encouraging a sense of fun and enjoyment.


Music lessons in Monkton follow a skills-based approach, where key musical concepts and themes are developed and revisited across the year groups. The ability to be flexible and respond to the needs of the class, allow teachers to mould their music lessons to fit the needs of their class, with singing at the heart.

A diverse range of genres, styles and musical periods are studied, and children are encouraged to make links between their own experiences, preferences and wider learning. The use of songs, recordings, videos and instruments make lessons lively and engaging for all children.

Opportunities to experience live music are regularly provided, with professional musicians invited into school and children being encouraged to perform themselves. Children in Upper Key Stage 2 are able to learn an instrument, focusing on musicianship and performance. Children throughout the school are also offered the chance to learn a musical instrument individually.

All members of the school value the part music plays in Collective Worship, allowing praise and reflection to be an integral part of our life as a Church School.

Through productions, concerts and ensembles (including the school choir), children experience the thrill of performance and learn how to develop their skills, with an awareness of an audience. Recordings of the children’s performances are made and shared in order to celebrate their achievements and to inspire others.


A Monkton child will leave this school with a lasting love of music and enjoyment of singing. They will be able to listen with sustained concentration, comment reflectively and engage positively with music which they know inspires them. Our children will know the importance of music as a tool to unite, calm, reflect and celebrate.

Progression of Skills EYFS

EYFS Music

Updated: 30/08/2023 20 KB


Progression of Skills and Knowledge - KS1 to KS2

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