We endeavour to provide a broad range of after-school clubs offering extra curricular activities across the year groups. Clubs are led by Teachers and Teaching Assistants. To secure your child's place on a club please register and make payment via Arbor.


Sports Clubs will run on Tuesdays for Years 1 - 3 and Thursdays for Years 4 - 6. These clubs will focus on local sports events and competitions and those pupils attending may be selected to represent the school at appropriate sports events.

Choir will run every Monday in the lead up to Young Voices 2025. Children must commit to the full term as the cost of the club covers their attendance, coach travel and Young Voices T-shirt.

Lego Club will run on Thursdays during Term 1 only. The club is available to years 1-3. However, spaces are limited. Please note this club has an earlier pick up time of 4pm

Gardening Club will run every Thursday, during Term 2 only, for years 2-4. 


Football Fun Factory should be paid for online via their website:   https://booking.thefootballfunfactory.co.uk/event/2628

Football Fun Factory are offering a 50% discount for siblings this year.

For more information about Football Fun Factory take a look at their brochure:

Football Fun Factory Information

Updated: 03/04/2024 5.70 MB



CLUB LEAD YEAR GROUPS DAY TERM Start Date End Date Number of weeks Pick up time Cost per session
Young Voices Choir Mr Marston 3, 4, 5, 6 Monday Term 1 09/09/2024 21/10/2024 7 4.15pm £3
Term 2 04/11/2024 09/12/2024 6
Football Fun Factory Coach Holly All Monday Term 1 09/09/2024 21/10/2024 7 4.15pm £5
Term 2 04/11/2024 09/12/2024 6
Sports Club Mr Sewell 1, 2, 3 Tuesday Term 1 10/09/2024 22/09/2024 7 4.15pm £1
Term 2 05/11/2024 10/12/2024 6
4, 5, 6 Thursday Term 1 12/09/2024 24/10/2024 7
Term 2 07/11/2024 12/12/2024 6
Lego Club             Miss Allen 1, 2, 3 Thursday Term 1 only 12/09/2024 24/10/2024 7 4.00pm £1
Gardening Club Mrs Vesty 2, 3, 4 Thursday Term 2 only 07/11/2024 12/12/2024 6 4.15pm £1


Whilst we intend for all extra-curricular clubs to go ahead as planned, they are dependent on sign-up numbers.

We also advise that these clubs should not be relied on for child-care, as they may be subject to change at short notice.

Khickster Entertainment now provide after-school club care, onsite exclusively for Monkton CEP pupils, from 3.15pm-6.00pm. Bookings can be made online at: www.khicksterentertainment.co.uk/book