We endeavour to provide a broad range of after-school clubs offering extra curricular activities across the year groups. Clubs are led by Teachers and Teaching Assistants. We require a small payment for clubs to cover the cost of resources, this can be made via School Money.

The clubs running in Term 6 are listed below. The focus of Mr Sewell's sports clubs, in Term 6, is archery and target practice. If your child(ren) would like to join this club, please pay directly on School Money to secure their place. If your child(ren) already attends Choir and would like to conitinue in Term 6, please make payment via School Money. If your child does not attend Choir but would like to join for Term 6, please contact the School Office via email: office@monkton.kent.sch.uk. 

Football Fun Factory should be paid for online via their website:   


For more information about Football Fun Factory take a look at their brochure:

Football Fun Factory Information

Updated: 03/04/2024 5.70 MB

Coding Club has been extended to Term 6, due to its success in Term 5. It's a great opportunity for the children to experience Virtual Reality Coding and game development. 


CLUB LEAD YEAR GROUPS DAY Start Date End Date Number of weeks Pick up time Cost
Choir Mr Marston 3, 4, 5, 6 Monday 10/06/2024 08/07/2024 5 4.15pm £10 per term
Football Fun Factory Coach Holly All Monday 03/06/2024 15/07/2024 7 4.15pm £5 per session
Coding Club Code Kids 3, 4, 5, 6 Tuesday 04/06/2024 09/07/2024 6 4.15pm £10 per term
Archery & Target Practice Years 1&2 Mr Sewell 1, 2 Tuesday 11/06/2024 09/07/2024 5 4.15pm £1 per session
Archery & Target Practice Years 3&4 Mr Sewell 3, 4 Wednesday 12/06/2024 10/07/2024 5 4.15pm £1 per session
Archery & Target Practice Years 5&6 Mr Sewell 5, 6 Thursday 13/06/2024 11/07/2024 5 4.15pm £1 per session

Whilst we intend for all extra-curricular clubs to go ahead as planned, they are dependent on sign-up numbers.

We also advise that these clubs are not relied  on for child-care, as they may be subject to change at short notice.