Monkton Church of England Primary School is a calm, happy and caring place that provides a Christian environment where pupils are made to feel special and respected as individuals. There are four mixed aged classes with 98 children on roll ranging from 4 to 11 years of aged.
The school was founded in 1872 and modernised in 2007 and has an excellent learning environment. In April 2019 Minster and Monkton Church of England Primary Schools joined together to form The Federation of Minster and Monkton CEP Primary Schools.
The school promotes its Christian Foundation and is proud of its distinctive Christian Foundations:
Compassion, Courage, Justice
We are supported by the Diocese of Canterbury and have close links with the village Church. We cherish our relationship with the local village and play a part in community life. The school uses the local Church for services at key points in the year and members of the clergy regularly lead Collective Worship in school.
The teachers are an exceptional team, who plan an inspiring curriculum for our children. They are all hard-working, dedicated and talented professionals. They are always looking for ways to improve and develop their teaching and the pupils’ learning. They are supported by experienced teaching assistants and a dynamic business manager.
It is our intention at Monkton School to cater for the all-round development of the child. We aim to develop self-respect, a knowledge and respect of others as well as self-discipline in behaviour and attitudes to learning. We value the traditional high standards in reading, writing, spelling and mathematics. We see knowledge as important but stress the value of learning through investigation and self-discovery.
Our school is a happy, stimulating environment where parents feel at ease to discuss their child’s progress so that learning becomes a partnership between home and school.
The school benefits from a dedicated Sports Specialist and visiting sports coaches. We currently have Football, Netball, Swimming and Cross country teams, who have won a number of sporting accolades over the years. The school choir takes part in the annual Young Voice Festival at the 02 in London.
The school has an active and supportive PTA who organise various events throughout the year. These include children’s Christmas Party, Easter Egg Hunt and Strawberry Fair; they also provide refreshments at all our school productions and community events.
The Federation of Minster and Monkton CEP Schools Governing Body
Outline of our Governing Body
The Governing Body is responsible for:
- Holding the Executive Head Teacher to account for the educational
- The performance of the school and its pupils
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
The Full Governing Body meets six times each school year and has adopted the Circle Model for Governance·
All Governor monitoring visits are recorded and shared with the Full Governing Body. They can be used to monitor aspects of each Schools Plans. Minutes are taken at all Full Governing Body meetings to evidence the work of the school and Governors.
The Governing Body is made up of 13 Governors as shown below:
2 Parent Governors – appointed by parental election
1 Local Authority Governor – appointed by the Local Authority
1 Staff Governor – elected by staff
1 Executive Head Teacher
3 Foundation Governors – one being the Principle Officiating Minister of the Parish in which the schools are situated
5 Co-opted Governors – appointed by the Governing Body
The Governors believe it is important that boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.
The Governors are currently collecting data on the diversity of the board, including data on age, gender, and ethnicity. They will use that data to inform their recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.
Due to our relatively small governing board, we will not publish this diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data
c/o Monkton CEP School
Monkton Street
CT12 4JQ

Mr Darren Philpot
Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: Parents Term of Office 25/09/23 -24/09/27 Committee: Finance, Resources & Personnel Responsibilities: Full Governing Body Chair
I am focused on the education of children and how governance can lead to increased chances for all children. This is something that I am fervently passionate about. In my professional life, I am a Partner in a Law firm and so I feel I am well placed to deal with the demands of school governance. Through my career, I have always acted in the best interests of my clients and I am excited to be able to be an advocate for the children of Minster and Monkton. I pride myself on my ability to make decisions that are right, rather than those that are easy. My role has given me the opportunity to hone my communication skills and I ensure that I hear all voices before making a decision that is right for those that it affects, i.e. in this case, the children of the Federation. I am well versed in leadership and in chairing meetings and financial performance and accountability, which are important to the role of Chair of Governors. My wife is also a primary school teacher and this has allowed me to have a firm understanding of the demands of educators and parents alike, which I feel benefits this role.

Mr Paul McCarthy
Executive Headteacher
Committee: Finance, Resources & Personnel, Curriculum & Learning, Executive Headteacher Management Panel Strategic Leadership of The Federation of Minster and Monkton Church of England Primary Schools
My name is Paul McCarthy, and I am the Executive Headteacher of the Federation between Minster and Monkton Primary Schools. I have been teaching for 27 years, 13 years of which have been as a School Leader. I have a vast experience of teaching in a variety of settings and have a strong vision and passion for how teaching and learning should look in our Federation. Combined with an incredible teaching and learning team and support staff, it has enabled us to go from strength to strength. Prior to my appointment as Executive Headteacher in September 2023, I was Head of School at Minster CEP. During that time, I helped to create and develop good working practices across both of the Federation schools and am proud of the strong links that we have, as we continually strive to enhance these further. On a personal level I enjoy spending time with my family. I manage my son’s football team at the weekends and love a long dog walk with my daughter and partner. I also love nature and when I have time, I can be found by the side of a lake or river fishing! I have a very keen interest in sport both as a spectator and participant – I regularly play football and cycle to help maintain my own fitness. An active life helps to keep the brain active and alert – something that I ensure happens in both of my schools through a fun, engaging and invigorating curriculum during lesson time, playtimes, through inspiring school trips and at after school clubs as well.
Mr Chris Marston
Staff Associate Member - no voting rights
Term of Office: 01/09/19 - 01/09/25 Responsibilities: Head of School Monkton Church of England Primary School/Inclusion Leader
I have had the privilege of serving as Head of School at Monkton since 2021. Prior to this role, I was Assistant Headteacher at Minster, so I am fortunate to be deeply familiar with both schools and their unique strengths. Throughout my career, I’ve led a range of initiatives aimed at enhancing the curriculum, always striving to inspire and challenge students with a spirit of ambition and excellence. Outside of school, I’m a proud parent to three children and a cat, which ensures that life at home is never dull. I am also an avid Everton fan, though I often rely on my love of music to unwind when my team isn't performing at their best! I believe in the power of music to calm the mind and bring balance in both my personal and professional life.
Mr Richard Russell
Head of School (Minster)
Term of office:- 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2029 Business, Personal and Pecuniary interests : No business Interests to declare.

Mr Michael Kenny
Staff Governor
Appointed by: Staff Responsibilities: Training & Development Governor Term of Office :- 23/04/23 - 24/04/27 Committee:- Curriculum & Learning Responsibilities: Training and Development
As well as being a staff governor I am also Deputy Headteacher at Minster. I joined Minster in 2021 and I am very proud to be a teacher in our wonderful school. Before joining Minster, I gained twenty years of experience working in different school settings. I have fulfilled the role of teacher governor in a previous setting too. Outside of school I have a family of my own - two teenage daughters - so I also have the parental view of education. Personal family experience has also given me a view of the whole journey of children through the education system. I grew up in Ramsgate and have a good background knowledge of our local area as well. I look forward to using my experience in the positive decision-making process for both Minster and Monkton schools as a member of the Federation Governing Body.

Mrs Nicky Sworder
LA Governor
Appointed by: Local Authority Term of Office: 12/07/2022 - 11/07/2026 Committee: Curriculum & Learning Responsibilities: Vice Chair of FGB, Chair of Curriculum & Learning, SEND, Pupil Premium & Catch-up Premium
My name is Nicky Sworder and my professional background is in Mental Health. I originally trained in London as a Registered Psychiatric Nurse and later in Kent as a BACP Accred. Counsellor, specialising in working with children, young people and families. I set up a School Counselling service working in different Kent schools. I also worked as a supervisor and trainer, offering workshops related to children and mental health. After gaining my MSc I reduced my work load and for the past few years have been involved in research. Mainly in connection to school policies, the psychological and emotional wellbeing of pupils and the whole school community. I am pleased to be part of the Governing body as a Co-Opted Governor and aim to voice the mental health perspective when discussing school issues. As a team I believe we share a common goal: to create a healthy, happy and academically achieving school.

Mrs Liz Shervington
Foundation Governor
Appointed by: Parochial Parish Council Term of Office: 22/04/23 - 22/04/27 Committee: Curriculum & Learning Responsibilities: Safeguarding & Child Protection, Cyber Security & Online Safety, Website Monitoring, EHT Performance Management Panel
My name is Liz Shervington and I am a Foundation Governor. I became a governor as I am a member of the Parochial Church Council at St Mary’s in Minster. I feel it’s important to invest in the future of children also to foster the links with the local church and the school has an important role in the local community. I have two daughters, who are now in their 20’s, both attended the school. I live and work in Minster.
Mr Andrew Tye
Parent Governor
Appointed by :- Parents Term of office :- 17/11/2023 - 16/11/2027 Committee :- Curriculum & Learning
For the past 25 years I have worked with Looked After Children in SEN and mainstream schools, foster care settings, residential children's homes and as a family contact supervisor. I am also a musician, sound engineer and theatre technician, working and performing at venues, theatres and festivals around the country. I have a keen interest in the Arts and how this links in with education. Over the past few years I have had the pleasure of supporting the school in several musical endeavors. From this viewpoint I have seen the staff and pupils show genuine enthusiasm and warmth for the school. I also see this in my two children who are thoroughly enjoying their Minster experience. I will do my best to help both schools move forward in a positive direction."

Mr Grant Mynheer
Co-opted Governor
I was born and raised in Thanet and have spent the last 25 years working across Kent & Medway in frontline emergency response. This has given me the experience to deal with a wide range of challenging situations, working to try and achieve the best outcome for the people involved. I currently manage a team, looking after training, welfare, career development, Health & Safety and wellbeing. I bring a skill set that is transferable in a variety of ways, placing the children and staff at the centre, helping them to be the best they can be every day.

Mr Ashley Danes
Co-Opted Governor
Appointed by :- The Governing Body Term of office :- 23/01/2023 - 22/01/2027 Committee :- Finance, Resources & Personnel

Mr Richard Iddenden
Co-Opted Governor
Appointed by the Governing Body Term of office: 09/12/2024 – 08/12/2028
'My name is Richard Iddenden, born and raised in Thanet, now residing in Minster as to where I have two children attending Minster and Monkton School, my background is that of the Transport sector, I have worked for TfL for over 28 years managing all kinds of operations and projects, some of the skill sets I would like to bring with me to my Governing role are budget management, people relationships and stakeholder management… My family and I enjoy and have a strong believe in the Schools policy's and processes, and appreciate the Schools fundamentals… Outside of work life I try to enjoy the ‘Country Life’ – we have purchased a camper van, a puppy and try to get out as much possible in the fresh air…

Mr Hadley Pressley
Parent Governor
Elected by parents Term of Office: 02/12/24 - 01/12/28 Business, Personal and Pecuniary interests - No business interests to declare.
Governor Information