Swimming has Started!
In collaboration with Khicksters and Pools 4 Schools, we now have a swimming pool on-site for the next 8 days. Every child in KS2 will get 30 minutes of swimming per day as well as KS1 children receiving a session in order to improve water confidence and safety.
We have a Sandpit and Boat!
A huge thank you to Mr Ling for creating our giant sandpit and also a huge thank you to Mr and Mrs Osgood for the red boat! The children love them both!
Monkton and Minster Tri-Golf Competition
What a fantastic first Federation Cup Test!
Monkton 84
Minster 80
It was a tie all the way to the final round with some great chipping and putting. Every player who took part received a certificate and should be very proud of themselves.
Well done everyone.
A fantastic well done to everyone who entered our Winter Wonderland Writing Competition. All entries were brilliant and Miss Debling and I really enjoyed reading them.
A massive congratulations to our class winners. Our winners (pic below) have all won a £10 gift voucher to spend at Waterstones.
Christingle 2024
Whole-School Beach Trip (Years 1-6)
Mini Mudder
The Mini-Mudder has been a huge success! All the children had a great time running around, splashing in muddy puddles, penguin sliding in the mud and splodging through the 'Paddling Pool of Muddy Dooooom'! Thank you to everyone who has raised money. So far, we have raised £1200 which will go towards creating our giant sandpit - thank you so much everyone!!
The children are having a great time building dens, experiencing calm in our Nurture Garden, exploring The Fairy Garden and playing dress up!
Class 2 Leading Collective Worship
Class 2 are having a fantastic week. Mr Rickerby visited with his drones to talk to us about aerial photographs, we led collective worship and today we are rocking our socks!
Class 1's Special Visitor
Class 1 had a visitor in class today. Miss Allen's tortoise, Zak, came to visit. We think he walked just like a diplodocus!
Identifying Wildflowers
Spring has well and truly bloomed and our playground is alive with flowers and creatures! Years 1 and 2 explored the playground, this week. They looked at the difference between garden plants and wildflowers and then worked in small groups to identify which wildflowers we have growing in our school grounds.
Young Voices 2024
Wow! Awe and Wonder in abundance at the o2 last night as our choir joined over 9000 other children at Young Voices. It was brilliant! The children sang and danced superbly and they were also treated to performances by MC Grammar and Nandi Bushell. Well done, Monkton Choir!!
Christingle 2023
This week's Stars and Foundations Champions!
Boris the Reading Dog
The children are loving reading to Boris!
Sock Puppets in EYFS
EYFS had great fun today making their sock puppets!
Captain Wonderweb & the Esteem Machine
Shooting Stars Entertainment today visited us to spread the message of positive mental health. Every year group saw the show and really enjoyed it!
Remembrance 2023
This morning, I took the Year 5 children from our choir to the Spitfire and Hurricane Museum where we joined the choir of Minster CE Primary School to pay our respects to all the fallen soldiers who have fought over the years to enable us to live better lives. The children sand and read poems beautifully. After the ceremony, we had a little wander around the museum.
This week, Years 1 to 6 went to the church for our Remembrance Service. Canon Gausden led the service, supported by our brilliant Christian Ambassadors.
Black History Museum
Thank you to all our parents who visited our Black History museum. What a fab way to finish off a successful week of learning! We hope you enjoyed seeing all the wonderful work.
Black History Week
We have been having a great 'Black History Week.' The children in Classes 3 and 4 have been working hard on their presentations all week and today was the day when it was time to present them to the lower school classes. The children presented them with such confidence, courage and enthusiasm while the younger children listened with respect and interest. We had presentations about famous black footballers such as Walter Tull and Nasa mathematicians such as Dr Katherine Johnson. We now even know who invited Nerf guns- Dr Lonnie Johnson! We look forward to welcoming you all to our Black History museum tomorrow from 2.45pm where you can see some of our wonderful work.
EYFS Trip to The Gulbenkian - The Gruffalo's Child
The children in Class 1 - EYFS - loved their trip to the theatre this week to see The Gruffalo's Child. The children were in awe of 'the big, bad mouse (as described by Wesley!) and really enjoyed helping the cast of the show with all the animals actions.
Our House Captains organised a Penalty Shoot-Out Competition, this term. There were lots of great shots and most went in (mainly because the goalkeeper can't dive).
In the end, Courage came out on top and won and extra 25 house points which will go towards their termly total.
Well done, everyone!
A great week in EYFS!
Looking for clues to find 'Burglar Bill' and different ways of showing 4.
Harvest Celebration 2023
Today, we visited our local church to celebrate this year's harvest and say thank you to God for giving us our wonderful world. The Christian Ambassadors and our Walking Through Doors Council presented superbly and we are very proud of them. In the service, the ambassadors spoke about giving, sharing and helping one another. This is exactly what we do in our school - we have Compassion for everyone during their journey of learning and discovery. We have the courage to want to help and we have the Justice that we DO help. The children also gave generously to our local food bank - thank you to all the families who donated food.
What a Great Week!
We've had firefighters come to play, the Living History Workshop teaching the children about Ancient Greece, conducting scientific experiments with dark chocolate and the children in Year 3 and 4 have been painting their Bronze Age boats that they made at Dover Museum. What a super week of experiences and learning!
Our Weekly Winners - Stars of the Week, Reader/Mathematician of the Week, PRIDE Value Champs!
Our Weekly Winners - Stars of the Week, Reader/Mathematician of the Week, PRIDE Value Champs!
Grandparents Visit Class 2 as part of their Childhood Topic
Thank you to all the grandparents and families who came into our school today to teach the children games from their childhood. We loved the tiddly winks and card games! It was also great to see the children teaching grandparents the modern games (and not an X-Box in sight). What an amazing turn out to our Grandparents afternoon - thank you to all those who came. Every child loved learning new games and teaching you a few too. I think the photos say it all!
Class 3's Trip to Dover Museum
Class Three had a fantastic day on Wednesday learning all sorts of incredible facts about Prehistoric Britain at the Dover Museum. We had the chance to handle real artefacts that are hundreds of thousands years old; we saw the oldest known seafaring boat that has survived since the Bronze age and we had great fun making a clay replica. Too many wow moments to list!! Thank you to our adult volunteers who joined in and helped the day to run smoothly.
Mathematicians of the Week/Stars of the Week and Social Action Superstars!
Minecraft and Coding!
Sports Day 2023
The Dogs Trust Visit
The children were delighted to meet Larry the Labrador and learn all about how to behave around dogs and how to treat dogs and other animals with compassion.
French and Geography Week
The children have had great fun learning about France, French-speaking countries, the food and culture plus Paris Fashion Show and Matisse! They've learnt so much!
Class 3 had a great time at The British Museum!
Class 4 showing Compassion, Courage and Justice in abundance!
Class 4 have had a super week this week. They have shown lots of compassion, courage and justice, especially when taking part in the LIVE SAFEGUARDING LESSON. As a result of their learning, they decided to create posters that could be stuck up in every classes Safeguarding Zone to tell children what to do if they don't feel safe.
The children this week have also written some fantastic short stories using their knowledge of WW2 and The Blitz - I can't wait to read them although they've written so much, it's going to take me ages!
Active Learning! It's the way we 'do' learning!
Here at Monkton, we ensure children are learning by 'doing' - this is called Active Learning where every second counts.
In the pics below, Class 4 have been learning co-ordinates by playing Battleships and then joining up the 'hits' to make pentagons. It's fun and engaging and the children are learning all of the time.
Forest School is BACK!!!!
Religious Education in Class 2 - Friendship Stones
This week, the children in Years 1 and 2 have been learning about why they think Christians going to church is 'Good News'. The children started off by going on a tour of the school and thinking about where in the school they feel the most friendliness. They then went back to the classroom and created these beautiful friendship stones which they are going to place around the school in the hope that when children see them, they'll see the good news they bring and feel happier and friendlier. Great work Years 1 and 2!
Playground learning
Today, we have introduced the children to using these 'Step-Fun' pedal wheels. They are designed to help the children improve their balance and spatial awareness. They are also great for helping children take responsibility for their own risk management.
Celebrating our Learning Environment
I was walking through the school this morning and I'm so proud of the beautiful displays that the children and staff have created here at Monkton Church of England Primary School. We have an ethos where we want to celebrate what the children achieve and I think these displays encapsulate that ethos wonderfully.
Great learning this week!!
We've had Science minibeast hunts, computer programming, chocolate melting and gingerbread making - a whole lot of fun!! Take a look at the pictures below to see what we've been up to!
Class 2 this week
Class 2 have focused a lot on minibeasts this week - In Maths we have made symmetrical butterflies, in English we read non-fiction books and in DT when we started to decorate luggage labels many used minibeasts as their theme.
Showcasing Fantastic Art and DT work!
During our worship, all classes shared some great Art or Design and Technology work they had completed or are in the middle of doing. The children really are showing their learning values whilst producing fab work.
They're being: Positive, Resourceful, Innovative, Determined and Engaged - PRIDE!!
Trailblazer Art - Year 5 and 6
I was walking down the main school corridor earlier today and I stopped to take a look at these wonderful pictures created by the Year 5 and 6 children as part of their Trailblazers topic. They're brilliant and just go to show how hard working and creative our pupils are here at Monkton Church of England Primary School.
Christingle 2022
PTA Film Night - Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Remembrance Day 2022
Today, for Remembrance Day, we thought about the heroes who had served for our country and other countries who had either been injured or killed in conflict. We held a 2 minute silence and prayed for past and current troops who put their lives on the line every single hour of every single day just to help people they don't know. After the 2 minute silence, we went back to the classroom and wrote letters, posters and notes to our Armed Forces. We have posted them so current serving members of our Armed Forces will get to read them. Hopefully, we can put a smile on their faces and make them realise how loved they are.
Some pics of our learning from this week (Term 2 - week 2)
Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars Relaunch!
What a great, rocking day we all had. Everyone dressed up in some superb robot and rock star costumes and then spent much of the day putting their Maths skills to the test. Brilliant - we love days like these!!
Black History Week
This week, all the children in school have been learning about Black History and the struggles and equality black people. The children have created some fabulous pieces of work from art to poetry to djembe drumming - they've learnt lots!
This week's Award Winners!
Here are some brilliant poems the children created as part of our Space Day themed learning. They are out of this world!
The day started with Mr Marston leading an assembly about why he loves space, with reasons such as: Buzz Lightyear, Stargazing, Moon Landings, Gustav Holst's 'The Planets' and then some mind-bending space facts!
Afterwards, we took part in some space maths, creating data and statistics that we interpreted into a bar chart, pictogram or pie chart. We asked, 'Who believes in aliens?'
Once the maths was over, we took one giant leap and designed a rocket using exploded diagrams and annotated sketches. Class 2 designed and made aliens that could stand up! The rest of us made rockets that could launch to the moon!
Live long and prosper!
Last Thursday, we celebrated our 150th anniversary as Monkton Church of England Primary School. To celebrate, we had a very special guest visit us, The Right Reverend Bishop Rose Hudson - Wilkin. She helped with our Collective Worship, went on a school tour and also opened our brand new Tom's Garden. It was a very special day indeed!
Harvest 2022
We've seen some great learning this week! Indoors/outdoor learning, Roald Dahl day with tasks linked to his books, story sequencing and writing, maths problem solving - you name it, we've done it (well, the children have!)
Today (14.9.22), we picked our first, ripe tomatoes from Tom's Garden and gave them away to parents. We'll be picking more very soon so keep an eye out for our super duper Market Traders on the playground!
What a great start to the 2022-2023 academic year!
A window into our learning, here at Monkton Church of England Primary School