Severe Weather Conditions
The school will stay open whenever possible during severe weather, such as deep/drifting snow, very high winds, widespread flooding. Parents/carers have the responsibility of getting their children to and from school safely and need to decide if the journey is safe when severe weather affects transport and/or walking conditions. Parents/carers should inform the office if their child is absent due to severe conditions making the journey unsafe. If your child has a disability and/or learning difficulty your decision to take the journey must take this into consideration. Please consider carefully and only keep children at home if conditions are unsafe.
Should the school need to close, we will inform you of this by text message. The school closure will also be updated on the Kent Closures website:
You can register for alerts from the Kent Closure website, see the details below:
Late opening and/or early closure is a possibility in poor weather conditions and again we will inform you via the text message and/or Kent Closures.
- Please ensure that your contact details are kept up-to-date on Arbor.
- Please check your phone for text messages.
- Visit for more information about gritting routes and travel issues around Kent so you can plan your journey.
- Don’t forget suitable warm clothing – gloves, hats, scarves, appropriate footwear and a change of trousers.
If conditions worsen in the school day and parents feel it is absolutely necessary to collect children, please contact the school office and let them know that you will be taking your child home.
Please avoid collecting children before the end of the day, unless you feel their safety is at risk.