We aim to create a community that enables every child to be and do the best they can. We will actively promote the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness, fostering attitudes of tolerance and respect which ensures every member of the school community feels important and valued. In school we celebrate and promote our Christian Foundations and British values.

Executive Headteacher - Mr P McCarthy

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Head of School  - Mr C Marston

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) 

Inclusion Manager - Mr C Marston


Assistant Headteacher/SENCO - Mrs J Guilder 

Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL)

Contact - jguilder@mandm.school or call the office 01843 821394 


Business Manager/Attendance Officer - Mrs H Ling

Reception/Administrative Assistant - Mrs H Willins 

Early Years Foundation Stage

Class 1 - 15 

Mrs J  Bax                                

Key Stage 1

Class 2 (Years 1 and 2)  - 30 

Mrs J Guilder  and Mrs Katie Ramsden                    

Key Stage 2


Class 3 (Years 3 and 4) - 30 children 

Mrs S Vesty        
Class 4 (Years 5 and 6) - 30 children  
Miss C Debling         
Teaching Assistants and Play Team Members
Mrs D Watson
Miss S Allen
Mr S Sewell
Mrs A Osgood
Mrs J Horton
Miss S Jenks
Pastoral TA 

Mrs S Allen (also Class 1 TA)



Mrs Emma Kidd       -    Caterlink Cook

Mrs Ellen Pughe - Kitchen Assistant


Cleaning + Maintenance

Mr A Oliver           -    Caretaker


Road Crossing Patrol

Mr A Oliver


Subject Leads

English - C Marston/C Debling     
Maths - J Guilder
Science - S Vesty
Computing - J Guilder
PE  - C Marston
RE & Collective Worship -  C Marston/C Debling
Art - K Ramsden
Modern Foreign Languages - C Debling
Geography - J Bax
History  - J Bax
Music - C Marston/J Guilder
RHE -  J Bax

DT -  J Bax