Request for Term-Time Absence
School Hours
Morning | 8.45am - 12.00 noon |
Break | 10:30am - 10:45am |
Lunch | 12:00pm - 1:00pm |
Afternoon | 1.00pm - 3.15pm |
All parents should arrange their annual holiday within the school holidays. Parents/carers of children of statutory school age have no automatic right to remove their children for holidays (or other family reasons) in term time. However, we appreciate there may be exceptional circumstances which will be considered at the point of application. Whilst the Head of School may give approval in exceptional circumstances (e.g. to enable a family to travel to attend a pilgrimage or attend a funeral), approval is not given as a matter of course. We will consider every request for leave of absence individually. The most important consideration is the effect an absence would have on your child’s education. If you decide to take your child/children out of school without permission, a request for a Penalty Notice may be issued.
Penalty Notices are issued to each parent of each child and the amount of the penalty will be £120 to be paid within 28 days, reduced to £60 if paid within 21 days. Failure to pay the penalty in full at the end of the 28 day period may result in prosecution by the Attendance Service.
The Absence Request form is at the top of the page. This must be filled out and returned to the office at least 2 weeks prior to the absence start date. Please refer to our Attendance Policy for more information regarding planned absences.