Parent Consultations
Bookings can be made on Arbor from 7pm 22/01/25 until 9pm 04/02/25
Class 3 Trip British Museum
Class 3 visit to British Museum to see their vast collection of historical artefacts and take part in an interactive presentation on Egyptian mummies. Please see letter for more information.
PTA Film Night 7th February 3:15pm to 5:00pm
PTA Film Night will be held on 7th February in the School Hall starting at 3:15pm. Payment is £3 which can be made on Arbor App/Portal under Activities-Clubs.
Kindness menu 13th February
Caterlink are providing a special Kindness day menu on 13th February which will take the place of the usual menu on that day. If your child/ren would like this meal please pre-book using ParentPay.
Bikeability Level 1
Bikeability Level 1 in the playground for Yr 6.
Bikeability Level 2
Level 2 Bikeability Yr 6 - split into 2 groups completing this on either 27th June or 30th June